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  • Writer's pictureBibi Fatima Mottair


“If your actions create a legacy that inspires others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, then, you are an excellent leader” (Dolly Parton). These wise words were my inspiration for my service-learning initiative within the school.

My school project was on WATER CONSERVATION. I did my teaching experience at a Private school and one thing I noticed is that learners would leave a lot of water lying around during breaks. I noticed that the school had a few JoJo tanks around the school, so learners are aware of water conservation but have forgotten about it. This was my moment to renew this awareness and remind them of what they had forgotten.

This was a difficult project because how much can be done to implement water conservation ideas and how to make this creative and get learners to learn and enjoy partaking in this project. On the other hand, it also had its successes where learners got to show their creative sides with the poster they made and the part where I went into the rural community to give the bottles and speak in ZULU!! YES, that was the most interestingly fun and challenging part of my project.

On a personal level, I learnt that we should not take anything for granted in life. Something as small as half drunken bottle of water lying around is another person’s bread and butter. (WHAT DOES THIS EVEN MEAN??!!) Those empty bottles are taken by some people and resold to get money so that they may provided for themselves and their family. That water can be used to water plants or refill the JoJo tanks. Its small things in life that are details in our BIG PICTURE.

Professionally I have learnt that doing a school project is not so easy. One has to go through a tedious process to get things in order, get the permission and most importantly YOU WILL GET A LOT OF CRITICISM!! It taught me about patience and perseverance, hold on to what you believe and take the criticism with a pinch of salt. YOU WILL EMERGE STRONGER!

This initiative has had a good impact on the school, and they had admitted they had forgotten about the importance of being water wise. They have added some of my suggestions into their long-term goal plan (installing push-taps and a borehole). The head of the Cleaning Staff will make sure that the leftover Water bottles are recycled, and the water is emptied out into the JoJo tank. #MAKEADIFFERENCE.

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